Thursday, November 8, 2018

I am not done. And neither are you.

Listen - This shit, it's hard. It is not easy.  And anyone who tells you it is, is lying.  Mental health, perseverance, even success - those are DAILY CHOICES. And I'm telling you, you can not give up on choosing joy.  Do not give up on choosing to be better or have better or do better.  It will be hard.  No doubt about it.  And you will want to give up.  But keep. on. going. 

Everyone says, "You're so strong." or "How do you do it?" Like this:
You push on.  If I feel like I am breaking - and let's be REAL - lately, that is every single freaking day lately - I tell myself, one more (day, hour, task, conversation, call, appointment, whatever) and when I get through that, if I still want to break, then break.  But guess what? After the thing I feel I can not do is done, I don't feel like I'm done.  I feel like, ok, now one more.

 I need to say this because I was that girl.  I was that girl who would accept mental and verbal abuse as if they were the norm and they were allowed.  This mantra of one more - does not and will never apply to a negative situation.  If you are being harmed in any way, or the situation could cause negative lasting effects on your life, then this does not apply. The only thing worse than staying where you KNOW you shouldn't, is staying for one more day.

If you don't know yet, or you have forgotten, I want to remind you that anything worth having, is worth fighting for.  It's worth working for. And if you think you failed, you think you screwed up, guess what - each morning you wake up is your second chance to do better.  To right your wrong. To learn from your mistakes.  Every experience in our life is either a blessing or a lesson.  Use your defeats and your trials to be the best version of you there can be.  If you are willing to do the hard stuff, willing to face the truths and work through the pain with time, then you really can accomplish anything you want to.  Don't give up, friends.  You are worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Amber, A good read! Thank you for sharing as I perceive your many challenges and struggles in your life! Your Faith in Him sustains your Faith in yourself and your loving Family. As you know, just ask Him, knock on His door and He will answer. You know in your heart to always go forward, resolve, make things happen, continue planning, and be around other believers!! My prayers are continuing for you and your Family!!
