Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Only Mom "fishes" like this...

Life is so funny, isn't it?! One minute, you're reaching your goals, checking stuff off the to-do list, finding a missing shoe (your own..) and the next minute you're fishing baby 💩💩 out of the bathtub and scrubbing lets-not-guess-what from the bottom of the fridge.  Yes, that is all true.  I lead a glamorous life, you guys!

See the source image

I have nothing inspiring to share today.  And if it weren't for my Thrive, this post would contain multiple lines of the same letter.  From my forehead hitting the keyboard as I fall asleep in my chair.  Last week was ... a lot.  One day to the next, drastic changes.  That's how MS is. You just never know.  Things can change slowly over time and be subtle, or they can smack you in the face like a freight train.  Not the big ones, but like the kind that fit in a 5-year-old's hand - still hurts though...

Jeremiah's vision is still returning, slowly, but we take it! His balance is coming back even slower. I think, could be wishful thinking on my part. But we survive on wit and optimism here! He can walk longer distances with a gait aid if he's not worn out. And that has become our new challenge.  Him not overdoing it.  Like the other night when I said just go around the block and he walked down to the ball field instead.  (It's a Benike thing...) He said it went ok but that last 2 blocks home were a little dicey.  Men... 

We attended Corn on the Cob Days parade, which again proved to be a bit too much and he's almost been in bed since... even still.   Today we start the joys of therapy. He hates it, but I know personally how much it is needed when you're the patient. And it is needed.  Last night he needed to use the bathroom and decided he didn't have time for the chair. Tried to walk and fell right over.  Into a pile of clothes and stuff.  See, we are messy to save lives, not because we are lazy! ugh!

The kids are doing ok.  Lots of emotions right on the brink.  Our families have been wonderful in helping with them, taking them, making them feel like normal kids.  Olivia is desperate for school to start and that tells me how much they are craving some normalcy.  While I actually like having them at home (most of the time) I can understand the feeling.  I would love our boring and routine days back!

I want to take a moment to thank you.  For reading this, for sharing it, for commenting below. I'd thank you for becoming a follower, but I don't know how to install one of those pop-up thingys that asks you to follow it, yet. ;)  For your support, prayers, and generosity - we are so very blessed to be surrounded by so much love.  And I can honestly only think that his recent improvements are from those thoughts and prayers! Happy Tuesday! And here's to a poo touching free day for all of us!


  1. Fishing for baby 💩 in the bubble bath is the best!

    1. I wanted to die. It's one of the grossest mom things I think I have to do! She does it a LOT. My other kids didn't. I don't get it!

    2. I think the warm water on their tummies relaxes the muscles and they just can't help it. But it is gross!!

    3. it is gross. But I still love them. (Usually)

  2. You found your show :) :) :) :)

    1. Under my desk. like UNDER it... I don't know, I can't make this stuff up. (It came off my fake foot, so it's not like I kicked it off. ya know?!)

  3. Replies
    1. HAHAHA! I was like, alright, I'll do a show too! ;)

  4. You are a wonderful person and have the preserverance to show the inner strength that you have!! It is no surprise as I have followed you and realized immediately that you do have that wonderful relationship with our Father in Heaven! Do take time for yourself when you get that chance.... however small it can be... just focus on you. HE wants to hear from you, too; every detail you want to share..... do it!!!🙏💗

  5. Wrote a comment and then it disappeared...anyway,
    I love your blog...the way you keep things funny and
    serious at the same time is fabulous!
    My thoughts and prayers for all of you!

    1. It's how we roll around here, Sue. Thank you!! :)
